OPDC | Management Consultancy, Development and Training for Individuals and Organisations.
Senior managers joining a new organisation are keen to start making a difference as soon as possible. They want to ensure that people recognise that they have been a good hire and they want to be productive.
Our ‘First 100 days’ executive coaching programme works alongside functional and technically oriented induction programmes. The programme focusses specifically on relationship building and navigating the organisational politics and power bases that are so influential to a new executive’s speed to impact.
The coaching programme commonly includes a mix of face-to-face and telephone sessions. For example:
3 x three hour face-to-face sessions
2 x one hour phone sessions
1 x one hour post programme support session (phone) six months after start date
This coaching programme is specifically designed to help new senior executives to be more productive more quickly, but also has wider benefits for the organisation