OPDC | Management Consultancy, Development and Training for Individuals and Organisations.

Leadership Development Programmes

Our leadership development programmes are designed and delivered using principles derived from our 20 years of experience and the best of evidence based research. These principles help ensure that the programmes we design with you deliver both new personal skills and capability and deliver successful business improvement projects.

Our Programme Principles

Successful leadership development and business improvement go hand in hand

The research evidence shows that most leadership development programmes fail to create more effective leadership. Equally, it shows that the vast majority of business improvement and change programmes fail to achieve their objectives. 

Our approach is successful because it has been developed to overcome the systemic reasons of business improvement and personal development failure. At the heart of this success is a recognition that integrating leadership development with activities and projects to improve organisational performance is the key. By doing that, personal development is grounded in the specific realities and context faced by each delegate. This means that the learning can be applied and its impact seen day-to-day. And, as the learning is applied to real and present business problems and opportunities, its value is applied directly to improving business performance.

A defining aspect of our leadership programmes is the importance we place on building awareness and critical behaviours as a foundation. That’s not to say that we don’t provide delegates with an understanding of leadership tools and techniques as well as business process models. But unlike many other leadership programmes, we give delegates more ability to bring these to life by giving them an understanding how their behaviour impacts others’ perceptions and performance. It’s gaining this understanding that gives our programmes the edge and increases their value.

Flexible Programme Structure

Our integrated leadership development and business improvement programmes are delivered in a variety of formats to fit with your needs and constraints. For example:

  • Multi-module programmes
  • Intensive programmes
  • Topic focused programmes

All programmes are built on our programme principles and provide learning across the important building blocks to effective leadership. However, programmes are each tailored to reflect the seniority, experience, market needs and specific skill gaps of the learning group.

For more information on how programmes are created to meet each business need or to discuss how we could create a leadership and business development programme for your business contact us.